A special Handbag Auction event will be held at Hall Garth Hotel on Friday 28th February to raise money for St Teresa’s Hospice.
Among the items up for grabs will be new and pre-loved handbags, including designer brands such as Radley, Gucci and Prada. Over 300 will be auctioned off on the night, with every lot starting at just £1!
Any handbags remaining at the end of the night will be donated to St Teresa’s Hospice to be used in its retail outlets.
The handbags have all been donated by supporters of the Hospice, for which the organisers are very grateful.
A raffle will also be held at the event, and the bar will be open.
To attend, register free at www.mahoosivehandbagsauction.eventbrite.co.uk.
The event is part of a year-long fundraising campaign undertaken by Carrie Wilson and Liz Cook, who soon will be trekking across Iceland to raise funds for the Hospice. They leave on 2nd July 2014, and are aiming to raise over £4000 before then.
Carrie said: “This will be the third trek that we have undertaken for charity and we are always thinking of new and unusual ways to raise funds.  This has proved to be hugely successful with donations of handbags pouring in.  We welcome any donations and we will gladly collect.”


Sales Manager Carrie Wilson and General Manager Pam Mooney