Greenfield Arts are continuing to find ways to reach people and inspire creativity. The new programme will continue in ways that can adapt to the current climate, offering safe and positive ways to engage in creativity.
The Greenfield Gallery is presently sharing an exhibition that has been inspired by a collection of creative conversations led by Greenfield Arts throughout 2020. Artist Bethan Maddocks has been working alongside students from Greenfield Community College and community groups to explore possibilities and challenge perspectives – the results are simply beautiful.
Artist Bethan describes her response to the conversations in her statement,
“I created an eco-system, a collection of artworks that interlink with each other. The exhibition invites the viewer to enter a child-like world, a paper-made forest full of metaphor, imaginations and elevation.”
The exhibition will run until March and will run alongside a series of creative prompts inspired by the artwork. If you are interested in getting involved or want to know more simply follow us on social media or contact our friendly team by emailing:
Visit our website for more information about the exhibition Finders Seekers where you can see more online. Although our arts facility is currently closed Greenfield Arts are continually working to reaching our community. Greenfield Arts are committed to providing high quality arts and creative opportunities that encourage creativity, questioning and curiosity.