Greenfield students united the whole school as they showed their support for the LGBT+ community both within the school and in the wider community. The day raised valuable funds but most importantly ensured that students were given a voice to raise awareness.

The day involved the whole school with musical performances, stalls and fundraisers popping up around the school. Supported by Assistant Headteacher Ms Davis, a student-led group organised and prepared for the occasion by finding fun ways to highlight issues, the student message was that ‘love is love, no matter what gender or sexuality’.

Last minute hitches meant a change to the entertainment and students were amazed to see the staff led group on the stage. Students and staff raised the roof as the group performed popular favourites.

“It was a day to remember with fantastic support from all of the Greenfield Community, our students should be very proud of themselves” said Assistant Headteacher, Ms Davis.

Greenfield Community College is committed to equality and diversity and supports each and every student to realise their potential and enjoy an outstanding learning experience. If you would like further information please visit or contact the school by emailing or by calling 01325 300378.