Greenfield Community College are continuing to offer a range of learning resources, support and advice to families and students whilst they are studying at home. Students in all year groups are continuing to develop their studies through written and online material with expert teaching, guidance and communication from their regular teaching staff.

Following government guidelines and in conjunction with educational advice, the school are preparing to offer some face-to-face lessons with Year 10 students at the school site. The face-to-face learning opportunities at school, are at present due to commence from June 18th, and staff are busy ensuring that a safe and supportive welcome will be in place.

Students will be offered face-to-face guidance on the 15th, with helpful conversations to support and develop their learning, emotional wellbeing and offer extra help where needed. It is expected that a blended approach to learning will continue for the foreseeable future, with online lessons, digital learning resources, learning tools and some face-to-face as and when possible.

Any changes will be carefully planned, managed and related to families and students over the coming months. You can keep in touch with our school via our website and twitter page where regular updates and bulletins are available. You can also contact the school via our school email