Come along to a free information event at the Pioneering Care Centre on Wednesday 18 June between 10am – 3pm and find out about the brand new exciting courses on offer.
PCP’s new ‘Work for Health’ project and social prescribing project ‘Colour your Life’ are starting very soon and places will be filling up fast. Be one of the first to find out what courses are available and sign up on the day.
The Work for Health project is funded by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) and aims to help people who are having difficulty finding employment. Free 10 week courses are specially designed to support people with health problems who want to improve their skills, confidence and opportunities.
Colour your Life is similar to the previous Arts on Prescription service run by the PCP but now offers a 10 week course in either learning or art and will co-ordinate access into volunteering, books on prescription and ecotherapy.
If you would like to find out more or work with clients who would benefit from either projects come along on the day or contact:
Work for Health: Colour your Life: Or call into the Pioneering Centre, Carers Way, Newton Aycliffe, call general enquiries on: 01325 321234 or visit: