Two local Badminton Clubs are keen to attract more ladies and girls to the sport. Four and a half million people play the sport in Britain but it has long been recognized that there is a lack of lady players at clubs despite many enjoying the world’s fastest racket sport socially. Haughton Club Secretary Darren Clarke said “Re-search shows that many feel that clubs are too competitive and often male dominated, we aim to change all that”. Aycliffe and Haughton Badminton Clubs have received funding to run coaching sessions aimed at beginners and those that want to improve their game. The sessions are at Aycliffe Leisure Centre Fridays from 6.00 to 7.30 and the new ladies session will be held at the Dolphin Centre main hall from 5.30 till 7pm from Thursday 14th March. The first 2 weeks at the new Darlington session will be free of charge and £3.50 after that. Those interested can contact 07779 343315 or Ian Boyd at As the Ladies session is expected to be popular it is requested that you contact first.
Free Badminton Coaching Sessions