Dear Editor

Since I wrote last week about the various consultations which are in the pipeline, the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) team at County Hall have now opened the second stage of their consultation.

It is currently hiding on a back page on the County Council website, but you can access it at

On that page you will find a link to the full draft strategy, the six strategic objectives which underpin the proposed strategy, and a link to an online response form (at the bottom of the page).

Alternatively, you can send a written response to JHWS Consultation, Children and Adults Service, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UG.

This policy will determine the key performance objectives of our NHS services for the coming year, and will be the measure by which the County Council Health and Wellbeing Board will hold the Clinical Commissioning Group to account – so I am sure that many people will be interested to see what they have in mind for us. The deadline for responses in 19th October.

John D Clare