Does your child fidget, lack concentration, feel uncomfortable with their clothing or even dislike being touched? Do they behave at school but then on arrival home have a complete meltdown? These are some of the challenging issues the children in our group face on a daily basis. Sensory processing difficulties can affect the child’s everyday functioning in relation to the seven senses; tactile, auditory, movement, muscle memory, visual, taste and smell. They usually are either hyper sensitive (over responsive) or hypo sensitive (under responsive) to sensory stimuli. Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support North East England is based in Newton Aycliffe but have members all over Durham, UK and World. We are affiliated with the Star Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder in the USA. Our group was the brainchild of Dawn Dunn, MD of Tree Tops Children’s Occupational Therapy in Newton Aycliffe who felt there was no support for parents of SPD children. Dawn is now one of three Patrons of our group and has just donated a free sensory motor assessment plus ten weeks of treatment for one child in the group. Parents can apply for this as long as they are members of the Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support group with the applications being judged by a impartial panel of three. New members are encouraged to join us. We offer support, advice, networking and meet regularly with our children or enjoy a guest speaker. Why not join us and come along to one of our meetings where you will be most welcome. If you require any further information please email
Does Your Child Have SPD?