Dear Sir,

We know about ‘Clive Taylor-Sholl’ because he tells us in the Newton News what he believes.


In September 2018 he wrote as ‘UKIP Branch Membership Secretary’. Next month he sent in a letter complaining about “Foreigners who demand that WE must surrender to their beliefs and culture to accommodate theirs.”


A year later he is telling us his views on ‘council housing’, saying; “Social housing hides a semi-feral underclass for whom work is an anathema, with drugs and petty crime a way of life…..British society has been warped and corrupted by decades of concentrated social housing, non-traditional values taught in schools and mass migration”.

So we hope you ‘semi-feral’ people living in Livin homes will pause before you vote for him, now you know what he thinks of you!


Next, what does he think about ‘remainers’? “They take their orders from a foreign power, they stoke hysteria and fear with insane predictions of apocalypse, they turn the courts into a corrupt sewer as patently disgusting as themselves”.

We wonder how many of those ‘disgusting’ people, who had worries about leaving the EU, would want him on the Town Council?


Are you young? Then you have been “Indoctrinated into thinking anything you were told to”.

Are you ‘non-white British’? He thinks the word ‘racist’ is “just a tool to ensure compliance.”


Maybe ‘Taylor-Sholl’ can believe what he wants, but do we want someone with his views on our Town Council? No.

Aycliffe Reply.