Dear Sir,
On January 3rd 2014 – along with photos and details of the Tesco vehicle involved – even the driver’s manager’s telephone number, I emailed the Highways Action Line, Durham County Council, to report damage to the grass verge caused by this van, near the Vet’s surgery, in Shafto Way.
A photograph showing the damage, under the heading: ‘Caught in the Act’ was in the Newton News. It showed the deep damage. Tesco’s depot, in Durham City, told me that their insurance would cover the damage, once DCC had contacted them.
All of this I left in the hands of Durham County Council who promised to respond within two days. I waited and nothing happened, so I wrote again – and then again. I did not receive a reply, save an automatically generated response. I informed all those that needed to be informed, from January 3rd onwards.
What really disappointed me was that I had furnished the County Council with everything needed to get the damage repaired – and Tesco would pay!
About ten days ago, with a heavy heart, I contacted our Labour Party MP, Phil Wilson’s Office. They immediately wrote to DCC and the response was electric! Nearly three months after my initial request for action, workmen arrived hotfoot at my door asking me where the damage was.
They had been looking on the wrong side of the road so I showed them and they have now repaired it (leaving other damage caused by other vehicles, unrestored).
DCC have now contacted Tesco and are in negotiation as to paying for the repair to the verge What sort of signal does this send out to the Public, about the sheer futility of reporting damage to our environment?
I know that Mrs Jewell wrote to the Newton News, at her wit’s end about similar damage in her street. A Councillor’s polite requests are ignored for twelve weeks.
This is about customer service, courtesy and a failure to connect with the public.  Thank you,
Derek Atkinson
Town Councillor for Simpasture Ward.

before damage

Delivery van leaves verge in bad state

resstored verge 25 3 2014 002

Repair to damaged verge completed after 3 months