As Chairman of Horndale Residents Association for the past 2 years I have been aware of groups trying to move the Elmfield School site discussion forward, however I am shocked at the time that has passed since the school closed.
It reminds me of the old Avenue site which I think took about 13 or 14 years for something to be done. The Elmfield site is of great value to the local community because “106” money is generated when a site is developed to be used in the local area. £15,000 was generated when Livin built 22 houses on the small Greenfield Nursing home site which was put towards the Multi Use Games Area, opened earlier this year.
How much 106 money could be generated if this larger site is used for housing? Hopefully enough to build a small community hall or something else the community wants. I urge Durham County Council to start discussion with people who live near this site to see what they want to happen with this important site, or at least explain their plans.
If you think this is important contact your local County Councillors, who need evidence of  your needs to present to Durham County Council, and they only do this if you tell them.
Philip Clark