Appointments are now available within Darlington Carers Support office to support registered carers (with Darlington Carer Support).

Alison Donoghue project team Leader “I am delighted to announce this new initiative and look forward to working with Citizens Advice Bureau to offer this much needed service.”

All appointments need to be booked in advance via our office on 03000 301215. The campaign is to ensure people in Darlington Borough are claiming the benefits to which they are entitled.

The campaign, called Darlo Millions, seeks to target assistance to client groups who have the greatest difficulty ensuring they get the correct rate of benefit and one of the groups we are focusing on will be Carers.

In order to better meet the needs of carers we will be running sessions at Darlington Carers support office twice a month to help individuals claim all the benefits they, and the person they care for, are entitled to.

The sessions will be held on the first and last Thursday in every month starting on the 3/05/2018. If you require an appointment please contact Darlington Carers Support on 03000 301215 to arrange.

Mike Robinson who works on the project says “It is often difficult for carers to get the time to seek advice for themselves and, yet people with caring responsibilities are often significantly under-claiming their benefit entitlement. Many people are not aware they can get financial help to care for people”.