The County Council have declared their disappointment over the rejection by a planning inspector of their plan for the future of Durham County, but others have been more forthright in their reaction.
How can one man have so much power to say the plan is flawed and should be withdrawn? He must realise how many years, effort, research and expense has gone into producing the plan?
It is noticeable that he has the same disregard for Melton Borough Council whose plan is also unacceptable. This is insulting to those who have compiled, consulted and agreed the plan. This Secretary of State appointed Inspector is behaving like a feudal Lord.
There is some consolation that the proposals for Aycliffe were acceptable and maybe the emphasis on development in the north of the county, around Durham City, was overmuch.
There may be parts which can be tweaked and revised after meaningful discussion and negotiation, but to dismiss the plan out of hand is deplorable and if anything is to be dismissed it is the Inspector himself whose overall attitude appears disrespectful and offensive.