A new and easy to remember telephone number starts from August 1 for adults and children needing to ring social care services at Durham County Council.
The new 03000 26 79 79 line replaces the old 0845 50 50 10 number for First Contact Service (children) and Social Care Direct (adults)
Anyone phoning the old number in the first six months will be advised of the changes and automatically transferred to the new number.
The new telephone number will be cheaper than the current 0845 number as it can be included in free minutes from landlines and mobile phones.
Editor: Newton News and Great Aycliife Community Aid Parntership are delighted our suggestion to stop the use of 0845 number for this service has been taken up. It shows the County Council are listening to us and our efforts, first through our County Councillors, and then the officers, has been successful.