Dear Sir, I began this week with an air of anticipation that my work in the community was beginning to bear fruit. Then last Saturday night Cllr Arun Chandran called the police and said he couldn’t get an adequate response at a time when a crime was taking place. Last week I had occasion to complain on our Neighbourhood Beat Team facebook page about the criminal damage caused to our beautiful green spaces by thoughtless people riding mini motos and quads in our parks.
I had a visit mid week by the police who assured me that plans were afoot to deal with the situation. On Friday an article from PCSO Mike Welch appeared in the Newton News and I thought at least we are tackling the problem. However on Sunday at West Park chatting with our park warden he revealed the extent of problems caused by our children and not so young I was shocked!
On Monday evening I got a call from a lady who lives in Silkin Way complaining about parking problems, much of which are caused by the chap who was recently using the Woodham Burn School as a car park. (I have an appointment to see the lady but don’t think I will be able to help her) Tuesday – Had a chat with Alan Lowe from Simpasture Court who informs me that some elderly residents have been frightened by youths sneaking into the court and lighting a fire. 10am on Tuesday I received photos of severe damage to a bus stop on Williamfield Way showing glass / carbonate all over the path.
As you all know I am probably one of the greatest supporters of our police and know how difficult it must be at times to cover shifts, but I feel something is definitely beginning to go wrong. I am only one of 30 councillors but if this is being replicated across Newton Aycliffe it is a big concern.
Councillor Ken Robson