Thank you to everyone that came along and supported the Great Aycliffe Cancer Support group we managed to raise £267.11 which will go into our funds.
The stall was arranged through GACAP with the kind support of the Thames Centre landlords.
The winning raffle tickets are: 1st prize – 316 – 320 Claimed, 2nd Prize -231 – 235 Claimed, 3rd Prize – 321- 325 Claimed.
The next Group Meeting is Thursday 3rd March we have 2 speakers Councillor Mike Dixon who is going to talk about our local Credit Union and the 2nd Speaker is from a charity called Legacare.
They can help with any legal issues such as mortgage problems arising from a cancer diagnosis, power of attorney and any childcare issues, but the main thing is the service is free to certain people who have less than £30,000 in savings.
For more information or if you want details on our Free Transport to the meetings please ring Allison on 07762 258 696.
Charity Stall in Thames Centre