Former Nurse, Sheena Stephenson from Aycliffe has good reason to thank the Cavell Nurses Trust who have given her great support since being forced to give up work due to back problems.

Sheena has to take morphine twice a day to ease the pain of Osteoarthritis and can only stand for short periods. She also faced financial problems since leaving the children’s heart unit at the Freeman Hospital in 2003.

During the fight to obtain her pension she was obliged to pay for X-rays to prove she had a permanent disability. She sold her house to cover the loss of incapacity benefit until she won her case for it to be reinstated.

The Cavell Nurses Trust came to her aid helping with household equipment furniture and bills. Sheena is very gratreful for the help and recently held a fundraising Coffee Morning for the charity.

If there are former nurses in Aycliffe who require help they can find more information on or contact Sheena on 314296, e-mail