Mark Thompson, who has worked on BBC’s Stargazing Live, recently delivered a fascinating talk on space and our stars, to students at Vane Road and Byerley Park.

As part of Woodham Academy’s increasing provision of Science education to the primary schools in Newton Aycliffe, and its surrounding areas, Mark Thompson’s interactive online session inspired all of the Year 5 students who were involved. This was the first example of a range of activities planned for the coming months.

Mrs Nichola Jenkins, Head of Cross Phase Science at Woodham Academy, explains, “Within the last year, the education system has developed leaps and bounds in its integration of online teaching, so much so that we can now use experts in fields to develop curriculums and engage and enthuse students. Woodham Academy’s aim to improve Science education in the wider community means that we can bring renowned scientists to the classroom far more easily. This will be, without doubt, the first of many opportunities that the students within Newton Aycliffe have to engage with scientific professionals. We are very much looking forward to future events.”