MAD (Make a Difference) Community Choir will be performing their 3rd Annual Charity Fundraising event on Wednesday 5th October at the Xcel Centre. It will be a night of “Sensational Sounds of the 70’s” an evening of nostalgia not this occasion by the Xcel Creative Team. Over the past few years of the Choir’s existence they have been fundraising throughout with an average of four performances a year. Musical Director Evelyn Lodge says “The community is the heart of what we do. We are the community, serving the Community in raising funds for local charities. We rehearse in Woodham Community Centre every Wednesday night at 7pm and at 8pm we turn the rehearsal over to our second group of singers, Aycliffe Gospel Choir. Most of MAD members stay for the Gospel Choir rehearsal but there are also members who come along just to sing Gospel Music.” The first Gospel Choir concert will be at The Cubby on Friday 4th November to support the work of that organisation. Tickets are just £3 available from Sonia Scott or The Cubby. Evelyn added “We are always looking for new members and there is no audition process – we want to remain all-inclusive as singing has many health benefits not to mention the social aspect.” How can you join? Just turn up! What if I can’t sing? We don’t care! Talking of the social aspect we also now provide a “MAD Connect” night every two months in the form of a quiz night or something similar. This is to provide members of the community an opportunity to come along and meet new friends and have some fun. They can come as a team or come on their own … we will always find someone for them to join up with. The next MAD Connect Quiz Night will be at the Woodham Community Centre on Wednesday 12th October. You will be assured a warm welcome (and a cuppa), and this is a free event. If you’d like more information please call Sonia Scott 01325 310 991
Aycliffe’s MAD Choir in Concert at Xcel