At the British Council of Shopping Centres {BCSC) annual industry Gold Awards, the transformation of Newton Aycliffe town centre won the coveted refurbishment prize for smaller centres.
The awards recognise the creation of the best retail places at the heart of large and small communities throughout the UK.
The Awards Jury, which was drawn from leading experts in investment, development, management and architecture in the retail property sector, was particularly struck by: “the partnership approach in Newton Aycliffe and the dramatic impact the refurbishment has had on the local community with the creation of a town centre of which they can be proud”.
The comprehensive refurbishment of the main shopping area is the latest phase in a series of developments within an overall master plan for the town centre, commissioned by the owner, designed to transform Newton Aycliffe as a community focal point and shopping destination. A fundamental aim of the master plan was to improve the overall customer experience and attract new retailers to the town centre.
The phased programme of investment has delivered a dramatic improvement to the shopping environment, which included the removal of wooden canopies and ramps that obscured shop fronts, refurbishing and painting the elevations of all the main buildings on Beveridge Way and providing new windows. New landscaping with feature paving and lighting and’ specially commissioned seating has transformed the public realm, turning the centre into a much more welcoming and pleasant place to spend time.
As a result, new retailers have been attracted with a 15,500 sq ft Aldi being constructed at the gateway site along with the introduction of a new Wilkinsons store with local business also investing and expanding their offers.
At the heart of the transformation has been a Town Centre Partnership fanned in 2009 with Aycliffe Town Centre management being joined by key stakeholders including Sedgefield Borough Council (now Durham Council), the Library Service and the PCT.
Phil Wilson, MP for Sedgefield was particular1y pleased with the award: “I have seen the centre transform from a drab, miserable place to one where people want to shop and spend time. All credit to the town centre partnership, Freshwater, the owners of the centre, and the town centre management for their effort, investment and foresight. The town centre is going through a further period of transformation and the continuing improvement can only make it more of an asset to Newton Aycliffe.”
The next phases of the transformation are already planned with new signage and branding to be installed in the New Year, the complete refurbishment of 2 Beveridge Way and the creation of a new open gateway to the town centre with the demolition of Churchill House.
As the town looks to the future and welcomes the new major investment at the Hitachi train factory, Aycliffe Town Centre is now much better placed to cater for the growth in housing, people and jobs.
Aycliffe Town Centre Wins Gold Award