Great Aycliffe Town Council appreciates that many of you were greatly disappointed by the cancellation of the Party in the Park. The Town Council is delighted to announce that another event is to be organised in its place.

The Party in the Park was part of the Brash Bass organised by Durham County Council, funded jointly by the Town Council and Durham County Council.

Paul Gudgin, Artistic Director of the Brass Festival said, “With the amazing weather and incredible crowds we had for almost all of the Festival, it was such a pity that Aycliffe missed out so we are going to bring BRASS back to the Town for a special one-off event later in the summer. BRASS has enjoyed some great nights in Aycliffe and we want to make sure this year is no exception”.

The event is in the first stages of planning so there are not many details finalised yet. The venue will be the Town Park, and although we do not have a final date, we anticipate that it will be early in September.

We will publish further details of the event in the local press, social media and our website as soon as it becomes available.