On July 29th Mark and Deborah Preston set off from their home in Woodham to begin a challenge of a lifetime. They took on the “Dalesway” an 80 mile walk from Ilkley to Windermere in support of The Great North Air Ambulance. Each day they walked an average 12 miles, carrying backpacks and camping out each evening. Day three was the hardest day over Cam Fell, the highest point of the Dalesway, where they walked 19.5 mile. After day four the weather no longer favoured them as it had done, and they continued for two more days in very wet socks and boots until reaching Windermere half a day earlier than planned, taking 5 days in total. Altogether the adventurous couple raised £889 and including government gift aid the toal came to £1004.82 for the amazing life saving charity – GNAAS. Mark and Deborah would like to specially thank all of our family, friends and colleagues for their support and sponsorship. It was not only a great achievement, but an amazing adventure and an experience with many lasting memories.
Aycliffe Couple Walk 80 Miles to Help Air Ambulance