Alopecia Support County Durham is a growing support group for individuals aged 16 years and over who have been diagnosed with Alopecia. Our meetings offer support, advice and tips based on the members own experiences. We also provide activities to help members feel good, rebuild their confidence and make new friends.
In 2019 we have a new night and a new venue for our meetings, now on a Tuesday night and at Woodham Community Centre but the time remains 7-9pm! The meetings for 2019 are confirmed for 26th February. 30th April, 25th June, 3rd September and 29th October. We will also be having a Christmas celebration . . . watch this space for more details!
This month only, we will be joined by Charlotte Crowther – Journalist and Presenter – who is raising awareness of Alopecia by producing a documentary as part of her dissertation for her final year at University. She will be doing some filming during our meeting however participation is voluntary.
Attendance and refreshments are free and so are the laughs, all we ask is that you help us wash up! So if you have been affected by Alopecia please come along and meet the group, however if you’re not quite ready to attend then contact us for further information and support
Twit: @alopeciafriends
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