ACORN Residents Association hold their monthly meeting on Thursday 11th  June at the Royal British Legion Club.Commencing with little ACORNS meeting from 5.30 at which future events will be discussed, the meeting will then lead to the main ACORN meeting at 6pm.
It is expected that  building on the success of the Whitby and Cragside outings, plans will be announced for the forthcoming visit to York. ACORN has a full program of events, fundays and outings
With the forthcoming 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta ACORN will be celebrating with a marquee Libertea with tea, scones/cream/jam in a very British celebration.
We shall be dressing up a tent in medieval style with shields and explaining the story of Magna Carta through A3 laminated story boards. Games for youngsters to play with small prizes and a quiz based on your knowledge of British history and civil liberties.
ACORN meetings are attended by police, local councillors and representatives of livin housing when available. ACORN continue to work on community projects and events of interest for its members.
ACORN welcomes new members from around the Great Aycliffe area and invite speakers from other organisations
Ken Robson ( Chairman )
Tel: 01325 321471