Dear Sir,

If you are feeling lonely I would like to invite you to join any or all of the three clubs which are enjoyed by many older people.

“New Friends New Places” meet every Tuesday at our new venue, The Big Club, from 2pm until 4.30pm. This group was formed in 2008 and has a membership of over 50 older ladies. We do now have several gentlemen and would like to see this increase. We enjoy bus trips, line dancing, armchair aerobics, various speakers and entertainers as well as Bingo.

“Men Talking Together” This group of gentleman meet twice a week, Monday 12 until 2.30pm for talking together and enjoying a bacon sandwich; Friday 12.30 until 2.30pm, when we have fish and chips delivered. This is all held at the I.E.S. Centre, in a small private unit, in a well laid out building near to the Blue Bridge and behind Newton Press offices.

There are plenty of parking spaces and the no. 7 and no. 5 bus drops you off at the Blue Bridge – 5 minutes walk away. This group started in October 2019, but when the pandemic started the numbers dropped from 20 gentlemen, to 4, which was understandable.

We will be returning to our trips out, meals out and visiting places of interest. Both groups will be well advertised in the Newton News, when the pandemic allows us to start again.

“New Pathways Together” is a group which commenced in 2015 for people with dementia, long term illnesses or just lonely. To begin with we will be operating from The Ark, Silverdale Place, but would like to possibly hold a weekly meeting in different town wards. We can help you help with advice and initially provide you with transport.

Ring 01325 308094 or 07967 901477 if you would like to talk to me about any community problems or receive any information about the clubs or just want a chat over a cup of tea (after restrictions are lifted) please ring me.

Dorothy Bowman 07967 901477 or 01325 308094

(I answer all calls when I return home between 5-7pm)