Olivia Forster and Evie Willis, both 11 years old, were active in their community last week, voluntarily choosing to litter pick the area. Both girls start at Woodham Academy in September after attending Vane Road School.

“We were having a family barbeque and the girls had been playing with a ball out on the green when they decided to come in for some bin bags and go and litter pick. They had said to themselves that they were only collecting the tiniest amount of litter in the world but every bit helps” said Olivia’s mother. I told them that they were making a bigger difference than what they realised, as this action may inspire others to follow suit who will further contribute to making the environment better.

The girls did not make a big deal of it and just came back in to show us how much they had managed to clear. Later a post appeared on Facebook, by a neighbour who applauded the girls for their litter picking, as she had seen them doing it and had gone out to tell them ‘well done’ and also helping by putting some rubbish in their bin bags from the grass and path.

It is lovely that the girls have had messages of support from the community, which reinforces to them that they can make a difference and inspire others to do the same.