Jimmy Faulkner is 86 years old and confessed to being a “couch potato” until recently when a friend told him to get off his backside and learn to use a computer.
Jimmy took his advice, bought a laptop and took tuition from his friend Tony which has transformed his life!
He had lost touch with his family and now talks to them daily in Ireland and Australia by e-mail.
“It is brilliant and I feel 20 years younger. I encourage all Senior Citizens to become computer literate – If I can do it you can too! – My next target is to use Skype where I can talk to and see my relatives”
On Wednesday mornings at Woodham Community Centre David Sutton-Lloyd offers a drop in time to learn about computer’s, tablets and telephones.
He also runs mini courses helping people set up cameras, going outdoors and having advice on taking shots, and how to put photos on a computer.
There are five volunteers doing drop in sessions, 10am to 12.30pm