Community groups and voluntary sector organisations have the opportunity to apply for a grant, thanks to a Community Safety Fund launched. Funding is available for projects and initiatives across County Durham and Darlington that help to keep communities safe and contribute towards inspiring public confidence. Ron Hogg, Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner, has continued his partnership with local grant-making charity County Durham Community Foundation (CDCF) for a third year. Under the partnership, Ron contributes £100,000 to the Fund and a further £50,000 comes from CDCF. Ron said: “I am delighted to make the Community Safety Fund available again this year. It’s great news for local groups or voluntary organisations looking for funding to improve community safety within their neighbourhoods.

The scheme has proven extremely popular in previous years, and thanks to the £50,000 contribution from CDCF, an even bigger pot is available for local communities.” The key themes that the fund is looking to support for 2017-18 include projects and activities that:

• Encourage diversionary activities,

• Tackle anti-social behaviour,

• Tackle harm caused by alcohol, drugs, and violence.

Barbara Gubbins, Chief Executive of County Durham Community Foundation, said: “The partnership with Ron and his team has worked extremely well over the last two years and we are very pleased to be running this worthwhile programme again. We look forward to receiving innovative bids from voluntary sector groups which keep our communities safe.” The closing date for applications is Friday 28th April 2017. For details, and to apply, visit: