Public Inquiry to Justify Planners Refusal

Durham County Council as  the Local Planning Authority refused consent for an outline application by Willmott Partnership Homes to build up to 430 dwellings at land adjoining Woodham Bridge. This included a new access off the A167 into the site by introducing a new turning with traffic lights.
The Local Planning Authority considered the proposed development would result in transformative effects upon the character of the area and setting of Newton Aycliffe and Woodham.
It would result in significant adverse harm to a valued landscape and designated green wedge, contrary to Policy E4 of the Sedgefield Borough Local Plan 1996 and Paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy.
The plan was strongly opposed by numerous residents in writing to the Council. Many may not have noticed that access in and out of this development is only from the A167. There is no through road to Woodham Village itself.
Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association Committee understand the concern of Newtonians and are considering calling a Public Meeting to ascertain the views of Woodham residents to place before the Inspector.
We are informed the Town Council will object as it flies in the face of the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan approved by referendum.
Any member of the public can make a representation although, of course, this is not a situation where simply the weight of opinion will carry the day – the consideration will be about what is the correct application of planning rules to the application. 15th September is the last date for submissions.
County Councillor John Clare who proposed refusal of the application said: “In Newton Aycliffe we welcome economic development and the housing which has to come with it.  However, as we recently demonstrated in voting for the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan, it must be ‘the right development in the right place’. “I absolutely agree with the County Council Planning Officers, and with the decision of the County Planning Committee, that this is the wrong location for housing, and I will be doing everything in my power to uphold that decision.
People responding must remember they are not so much opposing a housing application as supporting the County Council Planning officers’ and Committee’s reasons for refusal – therefore they need to look at the report ( and the minutes of the discussion and resolution ( and pick out the issues which they support.
They must also read the Appellant’s Statement of Case ( – and there are other documents which can be accessed via the planning portal: – ref DM/16/02709/OUT