On Thursday 22nd June the residents of Great Aycliffe will be asked to vote in a referendum on whether or not to adopt the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan (GANP for short) Planning matters can be dull and  boring except to those whom they affect. Nonetheless this Document forms a very important part of the overall planning policies of Durham County Council. If adopted, it will have the force of law and in so far as Great Aycliffe is concerned provides details of what we want to see and not see in our Town. It is not the answer to everything, but it is a powerful planning tool, useful to our community, and the Planners at County Hall  in trying to keep our green open spaces,  ensure adequate  parking provision and the need for bungalows and affordable housing.

It was led by you the residents,  on how you wanted to see our Town develop. With the local elections and the general election, voters might be a little fatigued,  but  it is important that you give this Planning Document your vote in the referendum, which is required by law before it can come into full effect. On behalf of all Residents
Vital to Vote  for Town Plan  says Town Residents’ Association Referendum – 22nd June Associations in Great Aycliffe  we fully recommend the GANP and ask you give your  support by voting  to adopt it.  It will be noble in motive and far reaching in purpose. Arun Chandran Secretary Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association.