Dear Sir,

I would like to bring to the attention of Newton News readers the news that Brian and Marjorie Venables of The Carpet Shop on Dalton Way are retiring this month. Brian has served this town and beyond, along with the help of Marjorie for a great number of years. As most of you will know he has had several bouts of serious illness, but always carried on when he could in a positive and courageous manner.

I was Town Centre Chaplain for several years and was always welcomed from them both in a friendly and supportive manner. I know he has a great many customer’s on this town who would like to wish him and Marjorie much happiness for the future. They are soon going on a cruise and while on board are having a blessing for their silver wedding anniversary.

All readers and customer’s of The Carpet Shop send their best wishes to them both and a great many thanks for the professional way they have conducted their business. Brian has always served this town in a friendly way and I know he has gone out of his way many times in keeping his customer’s happy.

Now it is your turn to relax Brian and Marjorie, many thanks and God bless you both.

Pam Lovelass