Dear Sir,

In reply to Irene Hewitson’s letter (Newton News 20th April) where she states that she now feels “Over the Moon” to know that she is not breaking the law in feeding the birds.

The physical act of doing so may not be illegal but the results of which have been pointed out to her, are illegal because it is tantamount to littering and if caught you can be fined for such an offence.

She says that she loves going to the big cities where they actually sell bags of seed to feed her precious birds could I politely suggest that she spends more time there.

Instead of quoting from the Mary Poppins song, “Feed the Birds” she should “Heed the Words” of a previous writer (Newton News 23rd March), namely a Mr. Brian Sowerby, who is a Pest Control Professional from “PestGuard” who quite plainly put it:


Mr. A. Elders

Hickstead Rise