ACORN RESIDENTS 2014 Excursions
South Shields 30th August, leaving Royal British Legion at 9.30am. Price £2.
Forbidden Garden 6th September 2014 – (price tba)
Beamish Museum 20th September 2014. Adults £8, under 5’s £3, leaving British Legion at 9am.
Keswick and Blackpool 22nd October, Price £4, leaving Royal British Legion at 9am.
Great Animal Adventure 15th August 11am to 3pm featuring:
Ponies to pet and ride, Farmyard Flyer Bus, Inflatables, Hook a Duck, Tombola, Face Painting, Fire Brigade & Police,
Teddy Bears Picnic 22nd August 11am to 3pm
Teddy Bears Picnic, 3 Inflatables, Harry Potty
Professor Nincompoop, Fire Brigade and Police
Hook a Duck, Tombola.
Can you help? We need volunteers to supervise games and inflatables. Do you have a tombola prize?
Excursion bookings – Tel: Christine Thompson 0790 2906144 or Leanne on 07919172676